Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Great Uncle John

To Colonial Williamsburg first thing this morning to pay my respects to Great Uncle John. John Yuille was the brother of Marion Yuille who married James Donald - so my great x 5 grandparents. John was from Darleith - a stone's throw away from Geilston - and I am sure will be on a future tour of Donald country in Scotland.
Here is the old place - just as he left it! In need of some improvement.

John is buried at Bruton Parish Church, right next to the wall of the church. Bruton Parish was formed in 1674 and took its name from the town of Bruton - both Governor Berkeley and the colony's secretary, Thomas Ludwell came from there. George Washington was a godfather 14 times in Bruton Church. No way could he remember all those birthdays!

The tomb looks a little strange I grant you as I photographed it upside down - but it says on it:

Here lyes the Corps of John
Yuille Merchant Son to Thomas
Yuille of Darleith in the County of
D ... on Scotland who died at 
Wil ..... burgh in Virginia upon the 
2 ... day of October 1746 years 
in the 27th year of his Age

The the coat of arms with the motto: NUMINE ET VIRTUTE
Well, construe boy, construe:
By Divine Grace and My Own Virtue
Here's the text again - you may have to take my word for it that that is what it says.
Very handily placed sun dial for a quick self timer of me and my great uncle John.

A very significant day in this Donald calendar as the anniversary of Dad's death, so I felt this was the right place to be today - to pay my respects to two relatives who died in different Brutons, both in October, 260 years apart.

1 comment:

  1. Jeffrey Leigh Yuille here in Melbourne, Australia. I have an extensive Yuille Tree, Scotland, Virginia and Australia etc etc.My Grt Grt Grt Grt Grand father was George Yuille, bro of Thomas Yuille Halifax County Virginia & your John peter Matteur Yuille.
