Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Constant Friend

Another highlight of the Virginia Historical Society was to find the letter of introduction, written by Thomas Jefferson, introducing Thomas Pinckney to Alexander Donald in 1792. I have read the text before, but never seen - or of course held - the original before. Colin was with me, so I am afraid we did take pictures of me holding the letter, which I will add on later.
Th: Jefferson takes the liberty of presenting Mr. Pinkney the bearer hereof Alexander Donald esq. one of his youthful friends and found a constant one, even unto the end. He long resided in Virginia, is now established in London, and Th: Jefferson will be responsible to Mr. Pinkney that any esteem he may honor him with, will be worthily placed. 
I have always loved this letter - as it seems such a genuinely warm letter of introduction and it showed that Alexander was more than just a business associate of Jefferson's and that their friendship was long standing. Jefferson enclosed a copy of this in a letter he sent to Alexander, in which he also wrote:
He is a good man to whom it is addressed, and he is himself the bearer of it.
Alexander was not in London when the letter arrived, but was in Glasgow, so replied:
I had much pleasure in receiving your letter of the 8th. June, and I beg you will accept of my thanks for the warm and Friendly introduction to Mr. Pinckney. I shall certainly wait upon that Gentleman as soon as I return to London. 
Thomas Pinkney was the Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St James - or US Ambassador. Although born in South Carolina, he was educated at Westminster and Oxford, and then a stint at the French Military Academy at Caen. Returned to the America in 1774. Distinguished military record during the Revolutionary War, although captured by the British at the Battle of Camden in 1780. Released on prisoner exchange and in 1781 fought under Lafayette in Virginia. Here is the dashing captain.
Ended up standing with John Adams against Jefferson in the Presidential election.

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