Saturday, 25 September 2010

One day to go

Tomorrow I fly to America to start my Jefferson fellowship. Over the next six weeks I am going to research the history of the Donald family in America during the 18th century. The particular focus will be on Alexander Donald, 1745-1808 and his relationship with Thomas Jefferson and I will be staying next to Monticello - Jefferson's house in Virginia.
Here is the research as it stands: Alexander Donald
When in America I will be staying at the International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello and here is a map of the campus and details of the center. Not sure which house I shall be in. Details of the fellowship are here.
Today I have to work out how to fit six week's worth of stuff into one suitcase.


  1. Good luck Jamie! I imagine you felt first hand the complex emotions that Alexander have felt as he sailed from Port Glasgow or Greenock or wherever it was 250 years ago this year on his great adventure.

    It's wonderful that you are doing this, and you are making all Donalds very proud.

  2. Alexander was 14 and was recently orphaned. Probably took him about the same amount of time to sail here as it takes for my whole trip. And good point that it is indeed the 250th anniversary this year of Alexander being sent to America - I haven't really taken that on board.
